Life of DnA

The Life Of DnA...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Summary & setting up the decor...

Today has been one hectic day!

Last night I went to sleep about 2:30am and this morning I woke up at 8:30am! Not becos I was not tired - but becos my body clock automatically wakes me up!

So, trying not to waste time - I got up and did some household chores, then I went to the local bank and shops. After that, I went to the gym and managed to stay for 2 whole hours. I am proud to say that I can now run non-stop at a steady pace, without stopping for 30 mins!!! I have so unhealthy and I am glad that I am on track!!

After that, I came home and I helpped Dad to transfer garden stuff and build a new storage area - I must say that was tedious! Cold and windy and the instructions were rubbish... but we got there in the end. After that its clothes washing and cooking and then picking up my sis from uni... I felt like a maid!!!

However, the highlight of the day was yet to come... Putting up the Christmas decorations... I must say - I love it! I love the sparkly lights that twinkle in the night, the golds, the reds - so warm... Cant wait for our own home - where each year - I can decorate!


Blogger Ansypansy said...

nice tree daze!!!!

12/22/2006 9:46 pm  

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