Life of DnA

The Life Of DnA...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Miss me?!

Wow, been ages since I last wrote... So what has happened? Me, quit my job 3 days ago to become a locum - ie. self-employed. You're probably thinking why? Cos i had a good job with one of the largest retailers ever... well, i was frustrated with being an employee! I have so much i wanna do and this job restricted me... esp the time aspect. My goals have changed and changing for the better, for the future with my Huppy.

Huppy and I wanna be able to spend more time with each other and our families, so we have taken that step to take more control of our present and future...

Let me share 2 things with you:

If you cant get through the mountain, try going around it.
If you cant go around it, try going over it.
If you cant go over it, ask yourself if getting over to the other side is all that important.
If it is, set your heart out to dig a tunnel through it.

"A silent prayer"
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to the know difference.


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